Her Stories

The Success Story Of A Mother Entrepreneur- Learn How She Became The Owner Of A Multicrore Revenue

The story of a mother inspired by the phrase "Modern problems, Modern solutions".

By Gouri

The Success Story Of A Mother Entrepreneur- Learn How She Became The Owner Of A Multicrore Revenue

Motherhood is a blessing in itself and the joy and happiness it brings to a mother can not be gained from anywhere else. But with the joy comes responsibilities too. In the modern world, motherhood has become difficult to balance with a job and household work except if you have a bunch of energy and enthusiasm. But modern women have found modern solutions. Many mothers are becoming entrepreneurs, bringing their own ideas to the market, and succeeding them. 

So here we are to share a success story of such a mother. She is not only raising her child well but also has stepped up to become an entrepreneur. Sounds amazing, no? 

Scan The Early Life

We are talking about Pallavi utagi-the founder of Superbottoms which is a diaper brand. Let’s have a look at her journey.

She is an MBA from Mumbai and started working as a brand manager for different atypical brands. She was doing well in her job but then she got married and had a Child so because of the responsibilities of her household and a child she had to quit her high-paying job. 

No later than becoming a mother she realized that the diaper brands she was using were soaking less and were also not good for a baby's skin. She searched for a solution and thankfully found a material which promised to be better. So she came up with the idea of inventing her own diaper brand. But hold on, starting a brand from scratch is not easy. Thanks to her education and experience as a brand manager that she managed to pull it off.

As expected it was not easy in the starting because you have to reach as many people as you can. She got an idea of involving those who were experiencing the same. She reached out to new to parenting mothers and introduced her brand. She builds Facebook and WhatsApp communities to spread her idea and invention and because of her communication skills other women could connect to her easily and they were influenced by her. Soon enough her businesses were running well and she was being praised and thanked by many mothers who were new to parenting. She also realizes that disposable diapers are hazardous for our environment and she kept this thought in her mind while manufacturing her own diaper brand.

Business Expansion Rate

Her businesses are growing fast with a rate of five times per year becoming a multicrore revenue by now. But she is not here to stop because she is aiming to make her brand worth a hundred crore business by the end of 2023. She has inspired many women and mothers and has set an example for the general population that how we can become creative and find solutions to our own problems when challenged by life. She is inspiring many mothers to continue to live an independent life even if they have a bunch of responsibilities on their heads because life is all about balancing out everything. 

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