Success Mantras

Like Steve Jobs 'Think Differently' If You Want To Make Your Mark On The World

Everything is possible and there are no limits to what we can create or be: the world is our oyster.

By blogwriternisha

 Like Steve Jobs 'Think Differently' If You Want To Make Your Mark On The World

what is possible and what is not, and we inherit a small set of beliefs that are only true in the sense that we believe them. We embrace these narrow beliefs and perpetuate that cycle by placing equal barriers for future generations.

Fortunately, the able-bodied minority frees himself from these limitations and thus uses the extraordinary level of intelligence that we all carry within us. Steve Jobs is one of the few selected. Although he is a very complex person, there is no doubt that his presence on earth has changed the lives of millions and millions of people. Here are three of Steve Jobs' favorite quotes and lessons from business and life.

"Everything around you that you call life was created by people who were less intelligent than you. And you can change, you can affect ... Once you learn that, you will never be the same again."

Most people go through life with the impression that they are inferior to something or someone above them. They keep their lives unaware of the idea that they are limited by external forces and other people. They believe that they should wait for their parents, teachers, friends, government, etc. to create the business, environment, and lifestyle they want. While these ideas bring nothing more than staying out of our lives, Jobs quotes us to take action towards our creativity and make life happen for us. When we understand this idea, we can act with confidence instead of being punctual, and any act of bravery encourages others to believe not only in ourselves but also in our business and brands.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from Jobs' famous start-up address, Stanford.

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it on someone else's life. Do not be swayed by the teachings of faith, living by the intellectual consequences of other people. Do not allow the noise of other people's opinions to silence your inner voice. And most importantly, be brave enough to follow your heart and instinct."

In terms of business and life, our human nature tends to compel us to want to fit. We do not want to be extremely different from the people around us. However, Jobs taught us that we must take the risk of being different and being big and inspiring real change. True thinking lies in our ability to “think differently” and to take unquestionable action out of the ordinary. What person or company is considered to be a "genius" or a "story" who has never received the recognition to do things like everyone else? 

"It's done by people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world."

Perhaps my favorite quote of all time is the foundation of greatness. We were all born on this planet with life and the opportunity to express ourselves. Unfortunately, many of us choose to give up all the expression and contribution of truth because of negative experiences and social beliefs that unconsciously provide an opportunity to close our thoughts. Being crazy in a world of contempt and normalcy is always the greatest act of courage. Be brave enough to be insane and insane enough to believe that you can change the world because if you don’t, you won’t.

All of the above are similar and have the power to use them. Business can be a cruel area, as can life in general; But to rise above our potential, we need to "think differently". We must be willing to sacrifice our usual comfort and unleash our inherited beliefs that set the boundaries of our dreams, returning to the childish miracles we all experienced at one time. By doing so, we can also mark the world and enter history as intelligent in our own way.

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